Saving money on a tight budget or low income can seem impossible. Especially when you do not necessarily make tons of money; but it all comes down to priorities. It can be hard to set yourself up for success when it feels like you are living check by check but organizing yourself and being consistent can improve a lot. Considering the holidays when there are decorations, gift buying, dinner parties, and many more activities which require spending. In this post we’ll discuss a few tips to help put some money on the side even when it seems like there isn’t any.

Sacrifice or Investment?
Putting money on the side can seem like it is causing you to deprive yourself from your wants. If you are anything like most people, we often catch ourselves thinking “Well I do put in the work. I deserve it.” The question becomes, is it worth it to go to a fast-food place and then catch yourself stressing over living check by check? Start looking at the money you put away as an investment for you in the future. Your savings is exactly that, an investment. You are putting money on the side in case of an emergency, for a future business plan or some other sort of good use. Truth is, once you change your perspective on saving, your money habits can change a lot!
Cash or Card?
Find the right spending method for you. For most people cash is the issue; if they find themselves with cash in hand, they will most likely spend it. If that is the issue make sure to carry just as much cash as you are willing to spend or not carry it at all. For most people having money in the bank seems to be out of sight out of mind. Therefore, if you can set up your savings to happen automatically through an automatic savings program when you get paid, go for it!
Now, if you are anything like most people, they tend to just tap their card, make their purchase and move on. This can become a huge nightmare when you are depositing all your income into a single bank account. So consider having both a savings account and a checking account. This makes it easier to put money on the side and force one to only spend what is necessary.
Pay Yourself First
Placing priority on yourself means putting money to your savings first thing when you receive your paycheck. Pick a reasonable percentage to put away every pay check as this will ensure you always keep an emergency fund. Most people will refuse to do this because it may feel you do not have enough to get by. If this is the case then there are other changes which need to be implemented.
Take some time to look at your current spending categories. You might find that you spend a lot on Starbucks, going on trips to the store, or eating out every day. Whatever the case is, things can always be improved. Reducing your impulse spending can make a huge improvement on the money you are putting to use. Although doing this will require “some” sacrifice, doing so does not mean “absolute” sacrifice and it can potentially help you save for a big investment such as a house, a business or something you have been waiting to get.
Sometimes a little sacrifice can bring great abundance because aside from helping you save some cash, it also allows you to set your habits well for the future. If you feel like you are just always stressing about money then following some of these tips will definitely bring you some relief. View this opportunity to get your priorities straight and make changes according to that. Set some realistic goals, track your progress and if you look back at this point in time one year from now, you’ll be surprised at how much you accomplish!