With everything being so accessible online, it may feel odd to have to write a check. Something that used to be so necessary is now almost unknown knowledge to today’s generation. So, if you’re wondering how to write a check with dollars and cents correctly, then check out these six quick steps. Date You can write out the date in word or numerical format listing the Month/Day/Year. Some will typically use the numerical format. Why? Because it’s faster to write! Payee Write the name of who you’re paying. Make sure you make it out to the proper person or company AND spell their name correctly. For example, S-H-A-W-N versus S-H-A-U-N. If you’re not sure who to make it out to or the correct spelling – just ask. Because if you write it wrong, the person can’t deposit it at their bank. Numerical Amount Write the amount to be paid numerically. Just make sure that you use commas and decimals in the correct place. Written Amount Write out each number position in expanded form like you would in math class. So for example for $1,900.06 we would write One Thousand, Nine Hundred and 06/100 cents versus Nineteen Hundred and 06/100 cents.
Welcome to our little space on the net. Just like when you move into a new neighborhood or house, we’re still setting up shop and getting our bearings. But we’re happy that you’ve found us and we hope that you’ll come back and visit us often. Our mission is to help individuals and small business owners be financially responsible in a rapidly changing world. Our vision is for you to have the knowledge, resources and confidence to reach your full financial potential. In order to do that, one needs access to education, knowledge and resources. Here you will not only find those things, but like minded people who want you to succeed. This blog will give us a way to share good tidbits of info with you surrounding both business and personal finances. Many people have financial questions that they are dying to ask us in our alternate work over at Wilson Rogers & Company. When we answer one, it tends to spark another and another…well, you get the jist of it. Unfortunately, there isn’t enough time in the day for us to answer everyone’s questions individually, so why not do it en-mass? So let this be the place where