Saving money on a tight budget or low income can seem impossible. Especially when you do not necessarily make tons of money; but it all comes down to priorities. It can be hard to set yourself up for success when it feels like you are living check by check but organizing yourself and being consistent can improve a lot. Considering the holidays when there are decorations, gift buying, dinner parties, and many more activities which require spending. In this post we’ll discuss a few tips to help put some money on the side even when it seems like there isn’t any. Sacrifice or Investment? Putting money on the side can seem like it is causing you to deprive yourself from your wants. If you are anything like most people, we often catch ourselves thinking “Well I do put in the work. I deserve it.” The question becomes, is it worth it to go to a fast-food place and then catch yourself stressing over living check by check? Start looking at the money you put away as an investment for you in the future. Your savings is exactly that, an investment. You are putting money on the side in case of