Did you ever wonder about some of the mistakes made when filing old taxes? I mean, what do people commonly mess up on? Well in this video we talk about two mistakes that are commonly made: Filling All Unfiled Returns Not Reporting All Your Income Making mistakes on your tax return can cost you money. You may miss out on a larger refund than you claimed, wind up owing more taxes (plus interest and penalties) or invite an audit from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The best defense against results like these is a good offense: avoiding making errors on your return in the first place! Now, at the end of that video we mention that we have a FREE DOWNLOAD for those who want it. The download? 5 Mistakes People Make When Filing Old Tax Returns. It discusses not only the two mistakes mentioned in this video, but 3 others, one of which could get you audited by the IRS! To grab your FREE copy of the download simply head on over to the courses page OR click on the image above.
Wondering how to file back tax returns? Filling back taxes can be very nerve wrecking considering that one might not have all documents, or might not have the money to pay any taxes that might be owed. But where do you start? What steps to you actually take? So as to avoid further problems, this post will tell you the exact steps that one needs to take to get all those back tax returns filed ASAP! Gather Documents This is your starting point. This will include looking through piles of paperwork from the previous years. You want to find any W2’s, 1099’s, interest paid, dividends paid, mortgage statements, property taxes, stock sales and more. Remember original documents are always best. This is because it will include things like state taxes withheld that might not be included on an IRS transcript. So if you know who gave you income in a particular year try contacting your current/former employer and requesting an original copy for your paperwork. Now, after looking through all the paperwork you have, begin analyzing what you do have versus what think you’re missing. Now how exactly do you do this? No need to panic, check out the next